Software Developer

I build high quality, great looking websites and applications using modern technology.



My journey into software development started in 2018 when I began learning to code with the intention to build some tools for my finance job. I enjoyed the creativity and problem solving to the extent of changing careers. Today I work as a full stack developer with experience building a variety of applications using a range of different technologies.

Even now I still like building things and use side-projects as a way to improve my skills and try out newer technologies. All of my code is available on GitHub and some live projects can also be found below.

Away from the computer I enjoy playing guitar, walking the dog and travelling with my wife.

ugly picture of me

Brad Meyn

Full Stack Developer

Newcastle, Australia


  • Masters of Computer Science
  • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
  • Bachelors of Business & Commerce


Get in touch

If you have any enquiries please message me via LinkedIn.
